Four students from Tsukada lab visited California, USA to attend the Cooperative Interactive Vehicles (CIV) summer school from 2022/07/31 to 2022/08/03. Here are the participants:
- Ye Tao (D3 Student)
- Pengfei Lin (D2 Student)
- Yu Asabe (M2 Student)
- Vishal Chauhan (M1 Student)
Below are the reports from the students who attended the CIV summer school.
During this summer school, we had the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge technologies in autonomous driving and urban logistics to develop future automotive vehicles and transportation. The focus of this summer school was Cooperative Perception, Cooperative Motion Planning, and Implicit & Explicit Interaction. In addition to the valuable keynote speeches from experts and professors, there were also oral and poster presentations from students who attended the event and some of our colleagues from Tsukada-lab also introduced their research.
In the keynote speeches, Prof. Arnaud de La Fortelle (MINES ParisTech), Prof. Wei-Bin Zhang (UC Berkeley), and Prof. Christoph Stiller (KIT) explained how autonomous driving is going to change transportation as a big picture and its scenarios, and what factors we need to focus more to make vehicles advance, reliable with safe communication for our next generation society. We were motivated a lot by these talks.
In the oral/poster sessions, many participants from different laboratories and institutes introduced their research for 45 minutes by slides and posters and discussed their current research output and future plan.
Through this event, not only have the opportunity to know the state-of-the-art topics and challenges in our research field by listening to the presentations but it also provided us a perfect platform to share our ideas with other participants and get feedback from them. This platform was in fact not limited to the research ideas about autonomous driving, but it expanded to knowledge sharing regarding career aspects, lifestyle, food, and culture as well.
Prof. Arnaud de La Fortelle: Cooperation techniques for Automated Vehicles
Prof. Wei-Bin Zhang: Implications of Safety Definition for Automated Driving
Prof. Christoph Stiller: Cooperative Motion Planning for Automated Vehicles
Ye Tao (D3 Student) and Yu Asabe (M2 Student) present their research on collective perception via V2X communication.
Photos of students parading around Lake Tahoe with a beautiful landscape!